The Connor MacLeod Timeline

There can be only one!




"I've been alive for four and a half centuries, and I am Immortal"
- Connor MacLeod

"Well, we all have our problems."
- Brenda Wyatt

This page in an illustrated timeline of Connor MacLeod's life.  Movie purists will note, that I've based this timeline in the television series universe,.   I've done this because quite simply it's easier to reconcile the events of the movies into the series than it is to make the movies work with each other.

The Timeline

Pre Connor

The 1500s

The 1600s

The 1700s

The 1800s

The 1900s

 Interactive map of New York

I welcome any and all comments, there's a link to my email address below. This site could best be described as "always under construction" as I get around to fleshing out the timeline from the original 'shorthand' version I've been keeping since 1990 or so and get different pictures up to replace the standard promo shots so common elsewhere on the web. Possibly one day I'll upload my complete timeline of the Highlander series universe...or maybe not.


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