The Connor MacLeod Timeline

The 1900s

MacLeod decides to permanently settle down on Hudson Street.

Connor attends Princeton University to catch up on the past couple of  hundred years and play on their rugby team which has won a state championship
Connor on team

MacLeod fights in WW1 for the Allies until 1918. And assumes the temporary identity of Rupert Willingford.

Connor is at Cambridge University, a member of rowing team

MacLeod assumes the Identity of Alfred Nicholson and inherits the Hudson Street property from "Rupert Willingford" MacLeod's last identity. 

Connor supports the New York Yankees in the World Championship (New York Yankee's vs. Pittsburgh Pirates) and gets a baseball autographed by Babe Ruth

Connor has a small farm in Worstick, PA

Rachel Ellenstein born

During World War II, Connor rescues 9 year old Rachel Ellenstein from the Nazis in occupied Holland, and adopts her to raise as his daughter
Rachel    Whatever you say, Jack...

Oct. 22 - Russell Edwin Nash is born to Karen Joan Nash at 11:17 am at Mercy Hospital, Syracuse, NY; both die shortly afterwards; Connor later adopts Russell's identity

MacLeod sends Rachel who is now 18 off to college

Connor and Rachel have their portrait taken

Connor buys his Porsche convertible

MacLeod assumes the identity of Russel Nash who died at birth in 1945 and Inherits the Hudson Street property from his former identity Alfred Nicholson and turns the first floor of the building into an antique store.

Connor transfers the New York property to 'Russell Nash'; the now-grown Rachel becomes his assistant

James Horton assigned as the Kurgan's Watcher (though he doesn't report on the Immortal's whereabouts until 1985 - see main page)

Martin Holecek begins Watching Connor and  Joma Kikuyu begins Watching Kastagir

late March - the Kurgan defeats Osta Vazilek in New Jersey
Two nights later, Connor MacLeod defeats Iman Fasil in the parking garage at Madison Square Garden, NYC
Connor and Fasil
He is caught by the New York police fleeing the Garden, but Lt. Moran and Det. Bedsoe don't have enough evidence to hold him after they question him
The arrest
The Kurgan arrives in New York and takes a room at a fleabag hotel

After analyzing pieces of metal found at the Garden, police forensic scientist Brenda Wyatt goes back to the parking garage to look for the blade
Connor's there retrieving it and follows her to a bar and talks briefly to her before she leaves
Connor leaves the bar, and Brenda, who's hidden around the corner, follows him
Connor grabs her but before he can explain what's going on, the Kurgan attacks them - Brenda sees her first sword fight and realizes something even more unusual than she thought is going on

At the police station, Brenda sees a picture of their Madison Square Garden suspect - it's the guy
from the bar and the sword fight
She visit's Nash's shop where the mysterious man ends up deflecting her questions and
makes a dinner date with her
During the date, Nash reveals he knows exactly who she is and she tries to convince him that all she's interested in is a sword that, according to her analysis, shouldn't exist
The Kurgan defeats Yung Dol Kim
Kurgan and Yung Dol Kim

Connor and Kastagir meet in Central Park - they end up drinking the night away in a bar with Det. Bedsoe, who's undercover skills are sorely lacking

April 1 - the Kurgan defeats Sunda Kastagir; survivalist Kirk Matunas sees fills the scarred giant with lead, but it doesn't stop the Immortal; the Kurgan impales Matunas then steals a car to escape the crowd of onlookers

April 2 - the headlines read HEADHUNTER 3 - COPS 0 after Kastagir's death
Moran and Bedsoe question Matunas in the hospital; he describes his attacker - it's not Nash
Brenda does more investigating into this Nash person
She tracks down the doctor who delivered him and finds out that Nash died at birth
Further checking reveals all the signatures on the Hudson St. paperwork over the last 200 years
were done by the same person
Meanwhile, the Kurgan confronts Connor in a church, where Connor finds out the evil Immortal
raped Heather after killing Ramirez
Brenda goes back to the shop and confronts "Nash" with her findings - he gives into her persistence
and reveals his past to her

1900 Continued

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