The Connor MacLeod Timeline

The 1700s

Early 1700's
MacLeod serves as Captain of the ship "The Thunderer" in the British Navy.  Connor heads back to the Far East, befriending another Immortal and taking at least one other's head

The Kurgan heads to North Africa

The Watchers lose track of the Kurgan until 1985

Connor gets involved with the American Revolution and makes the acquaintance of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson (Connor tells him America is doomed), and others
Connor in 1770s    Connor with 'Bad Hair Club for Men'

Participates in Boston Tea Party and breaks away from Britain to swear allegiance to America.

Connor attends First Continental Congress.

Assumes the identity of Adrian Montague. MacLeod visits with Thomas Jefferson. The two discuss the Navy and Americas chances if a war should break out while Painter Mathew Lennox paints a portrait of Jefferson.

Dec. 19th - Connor spends the winter at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, with his immortal friend Kastagir, while both  are serving in the Continental Army as General George Washington's aid

MacLeod and Kastagir witness the surrender of the British Army to George Washington. at Yorktown.

Kastagir, posing as an Eastern prince, throws a party at the home of a Boston judge; Connor, drunk, insults a woman who has been pursuing him; he is challenged to a duel on Boston Common by her husband Bassett, a famous swordsman.  Kastagir spends the year with him posing as an Eastern Prince.
The Duel

Slan Quince is born in New York, New York, USA

MacLeod drops by the Barrington Estate for some Friendly gambling and meets and falls in love with Sarah Barrington.

Connor meets Sarah Barringtion in France at the estate of her uncle, DeFernet, shortly before the French Revolution starts
Defernet, Sarah, and Connor

MacLeod and Immortal Pierre Bouchet fight in the French Revolution.

Connor is forced to leave Sarah behind
Connor and Sarah
Connor is caught and sentenced to die at the guillotine for treason, but Bouchet, tired of his immortal life, knocks Connor unconscious and takes his place.  Sarah Barrington witness Bouchet's beheading, believing it is Connor and goes on with her life.

Lost in a crowd MacLeod witnesses the execution of King Louis XVI.

Using the alias Adrian Montague, Connor acquires the land which will become 1182 Hudson Street, New York City

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