Ivan's Test Your Highlander Knowledge  Page

There Can Be Only One

Highlander 1

Highlander 1 Questions

  1. #1 What was the name of Macleods girlfriend in 1536 whom he planned to marry?

    Im clueless

  2. #2 What was the year in which Macleod was killed by the Kurgan?

    Im clueless

  3. #3 Where is the Kurgan from?

    The Steppes of Russia
    East LA
    Im clueless

  4. #4 What animal head is on the Macleod flags as they went to battle the Frasiers?

    Im clueless

  5. #5 What is the name of the castle used in the making of Highlander 1?(Not the Clan Castle)

    Dunvegan Castle
    Eileen Donan
    Caesars Palace
    Im clueless

  6. #6 What is the name of Iman Fasil's sword?

    Toledo Salamansha
    Toledo Salamanca
    Swept Hilt Rapier
    I have no idea

  7. #7 What food item did Detective Bedsoe order at the crime scene?

    Jelly donut
    Taco with picante sauce
    Cherry cheese Danish
    Cherry Pie
    Im clueless

  8. #8 Which of Macleods clansmen banished Connor to spare his life?

    Miles O'Toole
    John Holmes
    Ya got me

  9. #9 What is the full name of the book written by Brenda Wyatt?

    Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
    An Ancient History of Swordmaking
    A Metallurgical History of Ancient Swordmaking
    How to be Bait for a Bad guy
    Who knows

  10. #10 Upon asking Ramirez how to defeat the Kurgan, Macleod got what response?

    with heart, soul, and steel
    With a Sword
    with heart, faith, and steel
    with Mind, body, and soul
    who knows and who cares!

    Highlander 2

    Highlander 2 The Renegade Version Questions

  11. #1 What was the first thing General Katana did upon arriving at earth?

    Hijack a subway train
    go to the restroom
    Talk to Macleod
    See Highlander 1 and see what a horrible mockery he was making of it
    not a clue

  12. #2 What was the name of the group that Connors new love interest was involved in?

    The Mickey Mouse Club
    The Black Panthers

  13. #3 Why was the group founded?

    to try to take over the world
    to stop T.S.C.
    to learn how the sheild works
    They are a 12 step program for necrophiliacs
    I know, Im just not telling

  14. #4 What was the year in which the shield was first raised?

    could be next Tuesday for all I know?

  15. #5 What was the reason that TSC kept the shield up although unneeded?

    Unpaid debts
    To tick off that lady so she'd hit Connor
    The Board members at TSC made a bet as to how long it can stay up
    Who knows

  16. #6 What does Connor use the power of the Quickening to do?

    Open a Can of Coke
    Resurrect Ramirez
    Attempt to save the weak plot
    Destroy one of the evil immortals
    Im clueless

  17. #7 What play does Ramirez resurrect into?

    Phantom of the Opera

  18. #8 How does Ramirez make it to MacLeod?

    Hes not far, so he walks
    He uses the quickening
    not a clue

  19. #9 How does Ramirez stop the fan from decending on him?

    He pulls the plug
    He jams it with his sword
    He uses the power of his life force
    He doesn't, and they all get chibbled into dogfood

  20. #10 Why doesnt MacLeod kill Katana at thier first earthly meeting?

    Theyre on Holy Ground
    Hes still tired
    There's people around
    He just wants to talk
    I have no idea

    Highlander 3

    Highlander 3 The Final Dimension

  21. #1 What special ability does Nakano possess?

    Hes a swordsmith
    The power of illusion
    To live forever
    all of the above
    I dont know

  22. #2 How does Nakano want to give this gift to Macleod?

    In a box with a big pink ribbon on it
    by parcel post
    By teaching him it
    By having Macleod take his Quickening
    Im clueless

  23. #3 How was Macleod spared from the guillotine?

    he was cleared of the charges
    He was drunk so they let him go
    Pierre Bouchet took his place
    There was a guillotine?
    Crap!...I dont know

  24. #4 What was the phone call that Alex eavesdropped on?

    a call from Marakesh
    an airline company
    a 976 call back
    a call from Kane

  25. #5 Before forging a new sword what Does Nakano do to the piece of metal?

    Dump water on it
    fold it
    heat it
    Nothing - he cant make swords
    I dont remember

  26. #6 What occurence clues Macleod while in the desert that another Immortal was alive?

    he senses it
    He sees lightning
    He falls off his camel

  27. #7 What does Alex Johnson give her collegue Takamura?

    a block of metal
    a hard time
    A New York Yankees Cap
    Government Papers allowing the continuation of the dig
    Im clueless

  28. #8 How does Kane get the money to pay for the hooker?

    he rips off some hustlers
    day job
    He sells blood
    robs an old lady
    I dont know

  29. #9 What frightens Kane from the Japanese Spiritual Center?

    Alex is there and he doesnt want to kill Connor in front of a mortal
    Its Holy Ground and stuff starts happening
    He hates hardwood floors because he has a corn
    He wants to see if that hookers still around
    I dont remember

  30. #10 What bargaining tool does Kane use to force Macleod into the final showdown at the Petrochemical refinery?

    He kidnaps Alex
    He Kidnaps John
    He threatens to tell the world about Immortals
    He takes the Remote control from his TV
