The Immortals Highlander Timeline


This is a timeline of Connor MacLeod it goes the whole way up to present day. Some of the dates are not exactly written in stone but they are either extremely close or right on the money. This timeline was composed from Highlander 1, Highlander 2, Highlander 3, Highlander the Series and the Highlander novels. 

1518 - [Scotland] Connor was born January 1st in Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Sheil in the Scottish highlands.

1536 - [Scotland] MacLeod is mortally wounded by the Kurgan in the Battle of Loch Sheil between the MacLeod's and the Frasier clan. He dies and gains his immortality. Connor comes back to life causing rumors to spread amongst the clan. Soon afterward MacLeod is banished from his clan by his clansman Angus to spare his life when he is accused of "Being in league with Lucifer". Connor travels for a few days and meets Heather McDonald and her father. He works on Heather's fathers farm and learns the skill of blacksmithing.

1539 - [Scotland] After Heather's father dies MacLeod marries Heather and they moved near the village of Jedburgh to a small stone castle next to a small forge. MacLeod and Heather attempt to have children but cannot.

1541 - [Scotland] MacLeod meets the immortal Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez who teaches MacLeod swordsmanship, about his immortality, and the rules of the game the two become good friends. Ramirez is killed when the Kurgan comes looking for MacLeod. MacLeod's home is destroyed in the battle. MacLeod acquires Ramirez' Masamune Katana and vows to avenge his death.

1542 - [Scotland] MacLeod and Heather move to a make shift house/barn and begin farming about 100 yards from their destroyed home.

1587 - [Scotland] MacLeod's 1st wife Heather dies. MacLeod buries here near-by and uses the Clan MacLeod sword to mark her grave.

1589 - [Scotland] MacLeod burns the farm and begins to wander the world in search of answers. MacLeod travels to Edinburgh where he learns to read and write.

1599 - MacLeod leaves Edinburgh and traveled to London ,England.

1605 - MacLeod travels to Africa and meets Sunda Kastagir.

1610 - [Near Africa] MacLeod is picked up off Cape Horn by the ship "The Jugleor". Connor works on the ship for a few months and befriends Captain Carmicheal.

1625 - [Scotland] Connor finds fellow Highland immortal Duncan MacLeod wedged between some rocks on the shore. Connor takes Duncan under his wing and passes on the knowledge Ramirez gave him. The two encounter the immortals Khordas and Nerissa in a coastal town.

1632 - [Scotland] Connor completes Duncan's training. MacLeod then hunted Khordas to the swamps of Scotland and he and Duncan stopped him from carrying out his destructive plans for a while. He then told Duncan to set out on his own and the two parted.

1642 - Connor leaves Scotland and begins his journey across Europe to Asia to find the Sorcerer Ramirez had told him about.

1650 - [Japan] MacLeod found the immortal Nakano in Japans Mt Niri. Nakano taught MacLeod Zen Buddhism, spiritual awareness, and Bushido swordsmanship. He then met the immortal Kane who himself was a student of Nakano's. Kane came to kill the Highlander and Nakano....for his power of illusion. MacLeod was stabbed in the stomach by Kane but was saved by Nakano and escaped the cave before Kane took Nakano's head thereby trapping Kane and his cohorts in the cave for 345 years. Upon escaping MacLeod fell out of existence for a while and hid out for 120 some years.

1770 - [Atlantic Ocean] MacLeod serves as Captain of the ship "The Thunderer" in the British Navy.

1773 - [America/Boston] Participates in Boston Tea Party and breaks away from Britain to swear allegiance to America.

1774 - [America] Attends First Continental Congress.

1776 - [America/Virginia] Assumes the identity of Adrian Montague. MacLeod visits with Thomas Jefferson. The two discuss the Navy and Americas chances if a war should break out while Painter Mathew Lennox paints a portrait of Jefferson.

1777 - [America/Valley Forge] Spends the winter with his immortal friend Kastagir while fighting the Revolutionary war aside General George Washington.

1781 - [America/Yorktown] MacLeod and Kastagir witness the surrender of the British Army to George Washington.

1783 - [America/Massachusetts] A drunken MacLeod fights his famous duel on Boston Common against a man named Basset after calling his wife a bloated warthog. Kastagir spends the year with him posing as an Eastern Prince.

1788 - [England] MacLeod drops by the Barrington Estate for some Friendly gambling and meets and falls in love with Sarah Barrington.

1789 - [France] MacLeod and Immortal Pierre Bouchet fight in the French Revolution.

1790 - [France] MacLeod is caught and tried for treason and sentenced to the guillotine. A drunken Bouchet takes Connors place at the guillotine. Sarah Barrington witnesses Bouchet's beheading full believing it is Connor and goes on with her life.

1793 - [France] Lost in a crowd MacLeod witnesses the execution of King Louis XVI.

1795 - [England] Secretly visiting the Barrington estate to see Sarah once more. Finding that she was now married and had children. MacLeod then left England and traveled back to America.

1796 - [America/New York] Under the identity of Adrian Montague MacLeod purchases property on Hudson Street.

1815 - [Belgium] MacLeod fought with the Duke of Wellington against Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo.

1820 - [Europe] Vacationed with the Duke of Wellington.

1830 - [London] Connor and Duncan compete for the love of an english woman leaving Connor the victor.

1839 - [America/New York] MacLeod assumes the identity of Jacques Lefeburt who died as a baby in 1819. Under the identity of Adrian Montague, MacLeod leaves his estate to the name Jacques Lefeburt and then ends the life of Montague. Jacques Lefeburt inherits the Hudson Street property.

1853 - [Atlantic Ocean] As the Captain of the ship "The Rosemary" MacLeod gives passage to America by Asia to fellow immortals Duncan MacLeod and Amber Lynn.

1854 - [Atlantic Ocean] "The Rosemary" is attacked by Khordas and is destroyed.

1861 - [United States] MacLeod fights in the American Civil war for the Confederacy.

1862 - [United States] MacLeod fights in the battle of Shiloh.

1863 - [United States] MacLeod fights in the battle of Gettysburg.

1865 - [United States] Civil War ends and MacLeod heads west.

1872 - [North America/Great Plains] Connor visits Duncan MacLeod after the massacre of the Lakota tribe.

1878 - Kastagir sends word for MacLeod to join him in Africa and MacLeod sets sail.

1879 - [East Africa] MacLeod fights in the Zulu wars with the 17th lancers as a private soldier. MacLeod is captured by Cetewayos troops after killing one of Cetewayos Best warriors. Kastagir frees MacLeod and they flee to the north to the English troops.

1880 - [London] MacLeod settles down and lives a peaceful life for most of the decade.

1888 - [London] MacLeod beheads an evil immortal who had been killing prostitutes in the Whitechapel District on London's east side.

1890 - MacLeod travels the oceans on a merchant ship for 7 years.

1897 - [Massachusetts/Nantucket] Under the name David Carruthers MacLeod Captains the ship "The Dido" and helps Duncan MacLeod kill the immortal Khordas.

1900 - [United States/New York] MacLeod decides to permanently settle down on Hudson Street.

1902 - [United States/Ohio] MacLeod attends Princeton University to catch up on the past couple hundred years and to play on their Rugby team.

1914 - MacLeod fights in WW1 for the Allies until 1918. And assumes the temporary identity of Rupert Willingford.

1925 - [United States/New York] MacLeod assumes the Identity of Alfred Nicholson and inherits the Hudson Street property from "Rupert Willingford" MacLeod's last identity.

1927 - [United States/New York] MacLeod attends World Series (New York Yankees vs.Pittsburgh Pirates) and gets an autographed ball from Babe Ruth.

1943 - [Germany] MacLeod find orphaned 9 year old Rachel Ellenstien hiding in a bombed out factory destroyed by a battle of WW2 that was still raging and took her back to New York with him to raise as a daughter.

1944 - [United States/New York] MacLeod eventually gains a quickening, raises Rachel, does some business, travels to other cities for some headhunting, But mostly lies low till the 50s.

1951 - [United States/New York] MacLeod sends Rachel who is now 18 off to college.

1975 - [United States/New York] MacLeod assumes the identity of Russel Nash who died at birth in 1945 and Inherits the Hudson Street property from his former identity Alfred Nicholson and turns the first floor of the building into an antique store.

1985 - [United States/New York/Scotland] MacLeod beheads Iman Fasil in the parking garage of Madison Square Garden. Then he meets Kastagir for the last time before he is beheaded by the Kurgan. MacLeod then beheaded the Kurgan making him the only active immortal and won the prize. MacLeod then married Brenda Wyatt, went to Scotland a while to reflect on the events then to New York again and then to London where MacLeod opened an antique shop on Camden Alley.

1986 - [Scotland] MacLeod attends the annual meeting of the clan MacLeod in Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye and applied for membership under the name Russel Nash claiming to be the only living relative of Connor MacLeod. He then visits the Jedburgh forge where the remains of Ramirez and Heather are.

1987 - [Scotland] Connor and Brenda are in a car accident and Brenda died but Connor of course lived.

1988 - MacLeod adopts a son and names him John MacLeod. They then move to Marakesh Northern Africa.

1992 - [United States/Seacouver] Connor goes after immortal Slan Quince. Visits Duncan MacLeod, meets Duncan's girlfriend Tessa Noel, and Richie Ryan.

1994 - [North Africa/Marakesh,United States/New York,Scotland] The immortal Kane and his friends are freed by an archeological dig. Kane takes the head of one of his cohorts and alerts Connor of another immortal. MacLeod then leaves Marakesh for New York in search of Kane. MacLeod is attacked by a street gang and killed. After escaping from the nut ward MacLeod takes the head of Khabul Khan one of Kanes friends in the boiler room of the hospital. MacLeod beheads Kane at an old power plant. MacLeod then married Alexandra Johnson a descendant of Sarah Barrington.

1996 - MacLeod is living in Scotland with his wife and son.

2024 - anything that occurred at this date is false. If you have seen Highlander 2 The Quickening then take a few moments now to erase that farce from your memory.


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