This page contains a list and explanations of various references to "Highlander"

1.)The Gathering - The final battleground, where the last of the Immortals journey to fight for the Prize.

Immortals - a race of men and women who are born apart from normal humans. Their special gift is Immortality. They can only be killed by being beheaded ( preferably with a sword ).

The Quickening - The onslaught of mystical power that bombards an Immortal, after he/ or she beheads another Immortal.

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The Prize - Immeasurable power won, at the the Gathering, by the last standing Immortal.

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@1997 Davis/Panzer Productions, Inc.
"Highlander" and it's associated names and
characters are the trademarks and property of
Davis/Panzer Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.