Welcome to the page of sounds!

Below you will find many different sounds from the highlander movies.

Is this the man that attacked you.......                                         Now you die

Are you the type of person who takes advice?                           Nuns.....

Most people are afraid to die.......                                             New York, New York

Agreement                                                                               You have one life to live, if....

All right.....                                                                               In the end, there can only be One!

He's a Highlander by god........                                                 Connor, There can only be one!

Another time MaLeod......                                                       Patience Higlander

Ate his dog                                                                             Pee in his kilt

At last.......the gathering                                                          I've prepared him for you

No burning here today                                                           Queen, Princes of the Universe

I have something to say......                                                     The gathering

I don't like boats......                                                               The Quickening

Afraid of Boom, Boom                                                          Accept it

Anything you need....                                                             Rameriz was born....

We are brothers                                                                    Safe on Holly Ground

I'm candy                                                                              So now it ends

You can not die MacLeod                                                     The Kurgans were...

I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod                        Swish

Wart Hog...                                                                           You will always be weaker

Why does the sun come up                                                    Yes, you

