Favorite Quotes From Highlander

Frank, looking at Fazeel's two-piece corpse: Yeah, this one came unassembled.

Garfield: What do you think is the cause of death, huh, sarge?
Frank: You're a barrel of laughs, Garfield.

Walt: You know, there was a guy killed just like this over in Jersey.
Frank: Yeah, but I figured, what the hell, that's Jersey.

Frank to Connor: You're an antique dealer, right?
Connor: Uh huh.
Frank: Okay. [He shoves Fazeel's sword onto the desk] What's that?
Connor, looking at it carefully: A sword?

Frank: Wanna hear a theory?
Connor: Uh huh.
Frank: You went down to the garage to buy this sword from that guy... what's his name?
Connor: I don't know, you tell me.
Frank: All right, his name is Aman Fazeel. And you fought about the price and cut off his head.
Connor: Wanna hear another theory? This Fazeel. was so upset about the lousy wrestling tonight that he went down to the garage, and in a fit of depression, cut off his own head.

Connor: We've been kinsmen twenty years!
Dougal: Connor MacLeod was my kinsman. I don't know who you are.

Radio announcer: It also left a man's decapitated body lying on the ground next to his own severed head. A head which at this time has no name.
the Kurgan: I know his name.

Hooker: Hi. I'm Candy.
the Kurgan: Of course you are.

Brenda, running after Connor: Wait! Who in the name of God was that? He called you "Highlander" - what did he mean? There can only be one, only one what?
Connor: Listen, lady --
Brenda: I wanna know!
Connor: Shut up! Don't you ever follow me again. You only have one life - if you value it, go home.

Connor: Good evening.
Brenda just stares at him.
Connor: You wanna dine in the hall, or should we step inside?

Connor: Brandy... bottled in 1783.
Brenda: Wow. That's old.
Connor: 1783 was a very good year. Mozart wrote his great Mass. The Montgolfier brothers went up in their first balloon... and England recognized the independence of the United States.
Brenda: Is that right?
Connor: Yes.

Walt: He's gone like one step beyond.
Frank: Yeah. Now don't say anything about sword fights in New York City or guys glowing in the dark.

Rachel: You refuse to let anyone love you.
Connor: Love is for poets.

Heather: I've never really known.
Connor: What?
Heather: Why you stayed.
Connor: Because I love you as much now as the first day we met.
Heather: Will you do something for me, Connor? In the years to come, will you light a candle, and remember me on my birthday?
Connor: Aye, love, I will.

Connor: I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Sheil. And I am Immortal.

Tony (hotdog vendor), reading what the paper says about the police: What does 'incompetent' mean? What does 'baffled' mean?

the Kurgan: Nuns. No sense of humor.

the Kurgan: I have something to say: it's better to burn out than to fade away!

Ramirez: Why does the sun come up? Or are the stars only pinholes in the curtain of night? Who knows? What I do know is that because you were born different, men will fear you, try to drive you away.

Connor, to a Nazi who is yelling at him in German: Whatever you say, Jack. You're the master race.

Connor to Rachel: Hey - it's a kind of magic.

the Kurgan (singing): I want to wake up...in the city... sing along! that never sleeps...
[Punctuated by screams from Brenda]

Connor to Brenda: Heh-heh-heh, what kept you?

Connor: There can be only one!

Ramirez' voice: Patience, Highlander. You have done well, but it will take time. You are generations born and dying. You're at one with all living things, each man's thoughts and dreams are yours to know. You have power beyond imagination. Use it well, my friend. Don't lose your head.

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*.....All information from these paragraphs
is taken from the original script
by Gregory Widen, Peter Bellwood, and Larry Ferguson......"