Brenda J. Wyatt

Author of "A Metallurgical History of Ancient Sword-Making", Brenda Wyatt is a forensic scientist for the New York Police Department. She was called down to a crime scene at Madison Square Garden. A man named Iman Fasil had been beheaded in the parking lot. Just a few feet away, lying underneath a car, she discovered a Toledo-Salamanca ( a rare sword worth about $1,000,000 ). Some bits of metal were discovered on the corpse itself. The metal belonged to another sword, not matching the Salamanca. Her search for the sword leads her to Russell Nash ( a.k.a. Connor MacLeod ), a suspect in the Fasil murder.  Brenda J. Wyatt is played by actress, Roxanne Hart ( "Chicago Hope" ).

Heather MacLeod

Connor MacLeod's first wife. They met after he was banished from his home in Glenfinnan. They were to share a peaceful existence together, until Juan Ramirez arrived to reveal to Connor his true nature. It was Ramirez who gave Connor the painful advice of leaving Heather, seeing as how it would be agony to watch her grow old and die while he remained young and alive. Ramirez related his similar pain in watching his wife, Shakito, pass away. MacLeod, however, chose to stay by Heather's side........until death.
Heather is played by actress, ( "In the Name of the Father" )


An Immortal and good friend of Connor MacLeod. They known each other for years, going all the way back to the 1700's. He served as Connor's second in duel at Boston Common between MacLeod and a lawyer named, Bassett ( a duel as a result of MacLeod having called the lawyer's wife a "bloated warthog" ).

Lt. Frank Moran

The police lieutenant in charge of the Fasil beheading case and Brenda's superior. Moran is portrayed by actor, Alan North.

Det. Walter Bedsoe

Moran's partner and the guy who tails Russell Nash throughout the picture. Bedsoe is portrayed by actor, Jon Polito.

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