This scene occurs just after Kastagir suggests MacLeod and him have a party. [Queen's
"Don't Lose Your Head" was probably slated to play in the background.]
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CUT TO: MACLEOD AND KASTAGIR IN THE DUGOUT BAR A steel-&-neon Village hang-out. Sawdust on the floor. It's late. They're drinking and talking, glancing over at: Bedsoe, alone in a nearby booth, spying on them from behind a New York Post. Unexpectedly, MacLeod and Kastagir appear at his table, sitting down. MACLEOD Mind if we join you? Bedsoe folds his paper, gathering his wits. His cover's blown, but this might just be the opportunity he's been waiting for. He decides to play along. MACLEOD Sundra Kastagir, meet -- (to Bedsoe) What's your name? BEDSOE Bedsoe. MACLEOD He's a cop. He questioned me after Fasil lost his head. He's trying to pin a murder on me. (winking) If I'm guilty, they'll give me the death penalty. They ROAR with laughter. Bedsoe's eyes narrow. He makes mental notes. A WAITRESS in pirate costume appears. WAITRESS (to Bedsoe) Want anything? BEDSOE I'll have what they're having. KASTAGIR (booming) Bring more. She leaves. MONTAGE -- THE PARTY The waitress brings endless rounds of drinks. Amidst LAUGHTER, the trio gets drunk. Bedsoe starts having fun, finally going to work on Kastagir's flask of Boom-Boom. MACLEOD, KASTAGIR & BEDSOE completely potted. Their table is a forest of bottles. KASTAGIR (to MacLeod) D'you remember the night Washington lost his teeth at Valley Forge? BEDSOE (to Kastagir) I was in Washington once. MACLEOD (answering Kastagir) Freezing our asses off, crawling around in the snow looking for a set of wooden dentures. BEDSOE (to MacLeod) Which Washington are we talking about? KASTAGIR Ever fight a duel, Bedstead? BEDSOE Bedsoe. KASTAGIR Me, neither. (indicating MacLeod) He has. Bedsoe tries to focus on MacLeod. MACLEOD It was in 1783. I was using the name Adrian Montagu. I insulted the wife of a pompous Boston lawyer named Bassett. Hotchkiss, his second, dragged me to Beacon Common. I was very drunk. BEDSOE (dazed) 1783 --? CUT TO: *** FLASHBACK to Bassett Duel*** CUT TO: KASTAGIR howling with LAUGHTER in the Dug-Out Bar. Zooming, Bedsoe staggers up, knocking over bottles. BEDSOE (slurring) I wanna thank -- He blinks at them. He can't remember anybody's name. HICCUPING, he weaves off, MUMBLING. BEDSOE Wonderful evening... No one notices he's gone. The pirate-waitress looms over the table, Kastagir and MacLeod squint up at her. Imagining they're in another century, they adopt Long John Silver voices. KASTAGIR Avast, ye bonny wench. MACLEOD Bring us two barrels of scurvy and a bucket of cleats. WAITRESS Okay, that's it, guys. You're history. She's right. The party's over. |